
My name is

Adina Cheniae

and I type words to make computers do things.
Skills: Python, Java, C, Git, Machine Learning, Unix, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and more!
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Scheduling in the Android Kernel

A write-up summarizing my research in the summer of 2017 at the University of Pierre and Marie Curie in Paris on the differences in the Android and Linux kernels, specifically pertaining to scheduling. I gained a lot of familiarity with how operating systems work as well as more experience with C, shell scripting, and working with large codebases.


Collaborative Dot Game

A simple multiplayer game for a projection project in which multiple users can manipulate dots on a canvas. Written in Javascript using Phaser and Socket.


Simple Interpreter

I wrote a simple interpreter for a made-up language in Python, centered around being very polite to the computer, who is after all doing quite a bit of hard work for you. This interpreter also makes it quite easy on the computer by implementing only the basics, including arithmetic, print statements, variables, if statements, and while loops. I also made a web app with Flask, Zappa, and AWS Lambda.


Ginger: A Dog Matching Game

This is a small puzzle game that works like Concentration. I wrote this game using Phaser, a Javascript game engine, as my first foray into game development. All art is original.



The Nature of Suffering

This is a short game made as a creative response for a Book of Job religion course, on the topic of how difficult it can be for humankind to know what God wants and how to live a life that pleases God and gain success, a question raised both in the Book of Job and other texts across religions. Thus, variables are randomized at the start of each game to simulate what God expects of His subjects and how much he is willing to reward or punish. These are hidden from the user, whose only feedback is how the events change and a brief ending with limited information. This game was made with Phaser, a Javascript game engine, and original art.

